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Mon 1
Mercury at Greatest Western (Morning) Elongation
Full (Wolf) Moon at 9:24pm EST
Wed 3 Earth at Perihelion, 91.4 million miles from the Sun
Thu 4 Double Shadow Transit on Jupiter (Europa and Ganymede; 9:34-10:37pm EST)
Sun 7 Mars and Jupiter 0.2o apart. Look SE an hour before sunrise.
Mon 8 Last Quarter Moon at 5:25pm EST
Tue 9 Venus at superior conjunction
Thu 11 Mars, Jupiter, and a waning crescent Moon are grouped together. Look SE an hour before sunrise.
Fri 12 Double Shadow Transit on Jupiter (Ganymede and Europa; 12:45-2:22am EST)
Sat 13 Mercury and Saturn 0.7o apart. Look very low in the SE a half hour before sunrise.
Tue 16 New Moon at 9:17pm EST
Wed 24 First Quarter Moon at 5:20pm EST
Wed 31 Dwarf Planet Ceres at Opposition
Full (Blue) Moon at 8:27am EST (2nd Full Moon in January)

Mercury reaches Greatest Western (Morning) Elongation on the 1st and is visible low in the SE sky a half hour before sunrise. Appears near Saturn on the 13th.

Venus arrives at superior conjunction on the 9th and is not visible this month.

Mars, in Libra, rises 4 hours before the sun all month. It appears in the same binocular field with Jupiter for the first half of January, being closest (0.2o) on the morning of the 7th.

Jupiter, also in Libra, moves away from Mars by mid-January and rises before 2am at month’s end. 

Saturn is emerging from last month’s conjunction, reappearing in the morning sky early in the month. Its January 13 conjunction with Mercury will require binoculars and an open view of the SE horizon.